A pack-up day brings me to the realization that no matter how long I stay on the coast there is always more that I want to see. Special friends who made me feel welcome, adventures left to experience left to knowing I will always find my way back.
I feel the pull to return to Spokane, to roots and family.... So off I'll go!

Before leaving, I stop at a little trailer park near Long Beach, The Sou'wester RV Park. They have vintage trailers that are available to rent and are parked within a walking distance to the beach. This of course is right up my alley. They also have an RV Park that provides full hook ups .
When ever I find one of they gems, I stop for a visit. This one is well known in the local Vintage RV community and in fact will be hosting a rally later in the season.
This Air Flyte arrived the day that I visited.
It will be the Crown Gem of their trailers.
It is certainly is a 'to die for' trailer in my book and it is in near perfect condition.
Oh, I definitely could live in this trailer.
But I wouldn't have time to experience all the great adventures.
Vintage trailer folks would want to talk, talk, talk.
It certainly is a beaut!!
Not far from the Sou'Wester along the boardwalk on Long Beach is a whale skeleton
When whales or sharks are washed ashore they are often buried to control the smell and bugs. This one was later uncovered for visitors to view.
I of course have to include flower pictures. Locals call these beautiful flowers...............WEEDS. An invasive species. I call them BEAUTIFUL!! (But then I'm not trying to get other plants to grow in a garden) It is found growing wild all over the coastal areas of the Pacific Northwest.
Scotch Broom |
So it's time to hit the road....
This time my trip through the Columbia Gorge is without wind. I am much more able to relax and enjoy the views. I travel the same path on the Oregon side until The Dalles.
There I cross over to the other side of the Columbia River and finish my journey from the Washington Side. It is amazing how much there is to see along the river on both sides.
There I find a World War 1 Memorial called Stonehenge. It was built by a local area man, Samuel Hill on his private property as a tribute to local soldiers who died in the war.
He had visited Stonehenge in England and built this monument duplicating the originals size and original form. He was intrigued by the legend surrounding the alter in the center of the columns. It was said the alter was used for human sacrifices to pacify pagan gods.
Hill a pacifist and devote Quaker visited the original Stonehenge in England during the War Conflict (1914-1918), and remarked " After all of our civilization, the flower of humanity is still being sacrificed to the God of War on the field of battle." From this came the inspiration for this monument built on Mary Hill overlooking the mighty Columbia River.
An additional monument memorializes the war dead from other conflicts as well.
It is truly a moving experience with wide sweeping views of the Columbia.
A stunning place to contemplate the needless ravages of war.
As it was late in the day, I decided not to visit the Maryhill Museum and will need to see it on another visit. I was so moved by the experience at Stonehenge, t when I returned to the highway,I turned to the East missing my intended highway.
There are generally more than one way to get to where you are going.
Soon I was rewarded for choosing this route by seeing tug boats moving cargo up and down the mighty river. On my previous trip, there were no boats on the river due to extreme high winds. I played peek a boo with the tugs as I came around each bend in the road finally finding a place to be able to get a picture.
Pleased with my discoveries, I continued down the highway towards the TriCities. And look what I found falling from the sky...
Here is a pic of the cliffs near the river that he jumped from. It was exciting to watch him soar back and forth during his flight.
Can you imagine his view?
My journey back to my roots has certainly demonstrated this travelers' slogan to be true
You never know what you will see around the next bend.....
~ Happy Trails ~