Thursday, August 7, 2014

Searching for the Perfect Beach Sunset....

After more gawking and soaking up the view, it was a late start out of Ocean Shores.  A cold shower (wouldn’t you know I had the only shower that didn’t have hot water!!) and we were on our way.

We stopped to view beaches but were on a mission to head up to Mora Campground in the Olympic Peninsula.  We had heard via her blog that Kim of  The Travels of Kimbopolo  would be there and it would be a good base for hikes and beaches in the area.

We arrived late in the afternoon and snagged one of the last spots.  We quickly set up across from Kim and discovered were right in the middle of a Lazy Daze and blogger convention.  Next to us was Suzanne at Take To The Highway and next to her was Jim and Gayle at Life's Little Adventures .  Also with the group was Chuck and Carla and across the way was Debbie.  It was fun to meet the group and we enjoyed our time together.

Jim was able to fix the newly flat tire on the bike and Chuck addressed some electrical issues with the trailer.  The tire is holding air now and the flickering lights seem to have stopped although we won’t know about the electrical hook-up until we try shore power again as we have been completely solar.  Many thanks again guys for your help.  Sometimes, I do know when I’m over my head and leave it to the experts!

We were anxious to get down to the beach and so headed down after setting up our camp.
It is a beautiful beach, littered with gigantic logs which either fell on the beach or are washed on to the beach .during violent storms.  It is clear that the beach is constantly changing with the tides and storms.

During our time at Rialto Beach we spent most of the time playing peak a boo with the sun.  During most of the day, the sea mist hugged the coastline, snaking in and out among the trees.
Yet, a few hundred yards away the sun would be peaking through the mist.

 Inland it remained bright with sun shining, taunting us.

We remained ever hopeful for the perfect sunny viewing providing perfect photo opts….. and were forever disappointed as the mist crept in and out especially near the beach but remained during most of the day.
 The logs on the beach required skilled climbing acrobatics.   

Walks along the beach were governed by mist and tides but finally we just took off on a low tide walk to the Hole in the Rock.  During low tide it is easier to walk on the firm sand AND the reward for making the trip during this time is tide pools and sea life and the opportunity to walk through the Hole in the Rock.  So off we went, mist and all.

 See the hole in the rock on the far right

In addition to the rugged logs that littler the beach, there are rocks of ever shape and size.  Most are smoothed from the violent waves and rocks are seen rolling up onto the beach with each wave.  As a collector of rocks (in my former life) I enjoyed the variety, colors and shapes of rocks and had to fight the urge to take them all home.

I couldn’t resist a little rock play. 

Can you imagine how much Lolita would weigh if I indulged in this former hobby!!

We made it to the Hole in the Rock 

During low tide you are able to walk along the shore to the Hole in the wall and explore the tide pools.  The tide pools didn’t disappoint us and we were able to find lots of sea life in the cracks and crevices. 
Though a misty, gray day the colors in the tide pools were bright.

 Also scooting along in the shallow pools were tiny crabs, but they didn’t show up on the photo’s.

It was delightful to see families and watch as the children would discover a new ‘find’ and point it out to their parents.  How wonderful to see this education in action.


Another fine day of exploring……… 


In the end, I believe the mist added to our experience though the sunsets I dreamed of, elude me.

~ Happy Trails ~


  1. Beautiful photos....makes me so miss the ocean! thanks for sharing


  2. You are such a fantastic need to frame up some of these! They would make great note cards too!

    Miss you and wish I was on the ocean with you. Have fun.

  3. Your photos are great anyway. The fog adds so much mystique.

  4. Love that sun-downer silhouette! It was great having you as a campground neighbor! I still can't believe we all ended up in the same loop with little to no planning. Fun times, indeed. Maybe one of these days, I will get around to blogging about it. ;-)

  5. I am in awe of your photos. Hope to see you both down (or should I say up?) the road.

  6. How great to meet up with all those wonderful Rving folks and helpful folks too. Just love your ocean pictures and the tide pools. I'm missing the water since we left the Great Lakes for the Mountains.

  7. The silhoudtte of Halley is a keeper for sure. All the pictures are great and love the mist.
    I knew you all would have to meet up somewhere.

  8. Oh my goodness, did I enjoy this post? YES I DID !!! It makes me want to abandon home and pack up the motor-home and head west. As for me, I love the ocean mist and the way it photographs, so dreamy and cool. I also, enjoyed your little rock play, how fun :) The ocean brings out the child in us . . . I know that it does in me. It may just be the Fountain Of Youth that Ponce De Leon was searching for:)
    Happy trails to you . . . I do hope that you have time to visit the rain forest, it can be amazing.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  9. I must admit the scenery makes any photographer look good. I love trying to capture something that captures my heart. Thanks for the encouragement!
