As we gain in altitude, the hills quickly begin to turn green as we enter forested lands. The Naches River, carves the landscape leaving room along it's flowing banks for us to enter the now green landscape.
Once we begin the steep incline nearing the pass there are not pull offs to stop and take in the view so I am only able to grab glimpes of the stunning views until we reach a viewpoint near Chinook pass.
Snow capped peaks hint at the spectacular marvel that awaits us beyond the cloak of green.
We stop at one last vista to play in a roadside water fall.
As you climb the mountain pass, all views are of mountains and deep green forest THE mountain remains hidden from view, beyond your reach and sight. We now see the path to the other side of the mountains.
After the final east side viewpoint we again travel west….this time moving down the other side of the pass. Around a bend and there it is in all her magesty.
MT Rainier
The view is so stunning it is difficult to take it all in. We decide that this is a beautiful place for a lunch stop and the architects of the highway thought so too. They provided a nice rest area with parking for trailers!
Mt Rainier is not just leaving civilization, it is truly a wilderness. Leaving behind, lights, grocery stores, gas stations, and swarms of people. Unlike many other national parks Rainier is peaceful and full of natural solitude.
We found many campsites available and the rangers said the campgrounds are rarely full except on holiday weekends. The campsites are primitive and due to the extreme winter climate finding a large and level spot is challenging. Most campers in White River Campground are tenters and they have their pick of campspots. In our camp loop only 3 of the 15 sites were occupied.
I hope you are not bored with pictures of this magical place….. I just can’t stop taking pictures!!
I love your photos and reading your blog, so bring them on, LOL
ReplyDeleteKeep Smiling!
Your blogging sister, Connie :)
Tired! Never! Keep posting I am enjoying your trips. It seems so funny to still see the snow this time of year. Especially to me here in this heat.