Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring, the Universal Symbol of New Beginnings

All of my being seems focused on the endings that are transpiring on a daily basis.    While some of these endings bring on a sense of sadness, others just trigger observations of these changes mixed with nostalgic memories as I am moving forward into the next chapter.

Over the weekend the donkeys went to their new home.  I have been in contact with my beloved horse, Scat’s new owner.  She loved the donkeys from the first moment that she saw them...  How would it be possible to not love them.... They followed us all over the pasture licking my hands begging for attention.

She wanted the girls too.  So donkeys went to their new home on Friday night.  I know the 4H kids will love them too and they will love all the attention and activity that will surround them.

Bye sweet girls.... See you in June !!

Yet another big push on the house.

I made arrangements for a donation center (that benefits local homeless teens) to pic up the remaining furniture and they picked it up today.  I hauled most of it out to the garage last night and they took out the family room couch today.  The only furniture left in the house is my Lazyboy chair, a blow up bed and a TV and my rocking lawn chair which are all in the living room.

The rest of the house echos walk as I walk through the nearly empty rooms.  Piles of this and that seem occupy several rooms.  Currently 3 of the 5 bedrooms are empty and completely cleaned as are 2 of the 3 bathrooms.  Quite a contrast to the homey vision shown in the real estate sales add.

In a way this makes it easier as this is not the place I have loved.
I'm already detaching from it as my home.

Spring is everywhere
Proud Momma House Finch
Four little eggies

I won't be hear for their new beginnings but they will fly off into their new chapter of life without me.

I'm experiencing nostalgic memories of all the moments of the last 13 1/2 years while living in this house.  I have been  living out a wonderful lifetime dream.   Every where I go in my yard, pasture barns and house are memories of shared times, memories, people and events.  Memories of the Easter egg hunts, horse rides, camp-fires, sleep-outs in the teepee and all the family gatherings.  I have pictures and many, many memories and I will take them all with me.

Surprisingly, I am not feeling overwhelmed with sadness.  I do feel a quiet peace, a readiness to move on into the next chapter of my life.  And tired, yes, very tired.  I am allowing myself some time of quiet nothing, to let my body and mind have a chance to recover from the momentum that it has taken to get here.  Looking back over the last few month, I have accomplished a great deal...

January - Walking again without crutches. Seriously down-sizing begins.  New furnace, New roof.          Many, Many trips to the dump.
February -   Getting house ready  to be listed for sale.  New bathroom.  More dump runs.
March - House listed with multiple listing on March 12, 2013, getting ready for showings, disappearing for showings, cleaning for showings   
April - Full price offer on the house on April 2.  beginning to empty the house.

There have been a couple of bumps... (the buyer was notified his job was ending.  The Union ensured that he was moved into another position so the sale was back on.)  The buyers got married a week ago so now we are waiting for them to get a copy of there marriage certificate to add to the home loan application.  Then the final papers to be signed for closing.

I certainly have come a long... long way.  Other than the day I had help moving the furniture, I have done this by myself.  

Note to would be full-timers...  Dreaming is just the first step.  No dream comes true without the work.  I have always liked the fairy tales where the fairy godmother waves the magic wand and presto... everything is done!  Unfortunately, it doesn't WORK that way.

 If I can do it, you can too.
But you have to want it enough!
Sometimes I have wondered if I have wanted it enough.
But here I am. 

I can feel the changes in the air....
Spring it is the time of renewal and new beginnings.

I have earned this.
I am Ready.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Some posts need few words....

Monday, April 22, 2013

One Day the Sky Looks Black........... The Next the Sky is Blue

Thank-you for the outpouring of support regard the sale of my house and my daughters injury.  I am certainly weathering these eventful turns.  It is certainly a good thing when it comes to emotions I am pretty easy going and it takes a lot to stir me up.  The past few weeks have been a roller coaster and I just keep riding the ride knowing that one day the wild ride will level out.   

When I last posted, the sky was looking pretty black.


The buyer for my house was notified that the school district  was eliminating his job and he would only have a job for two more weeks, the exact  number of days until the scheduled closing of the house.  He contacted the union and the union spoke with the school district, reminding the school district officials that they must move him to any open position.  There is one.... He now has employment again.
No need to sweat, the sale is back on.

Saturday I had arranged for a U Haul to move the things that I am storing and some items to my daughters houses that they wanted.  The lower level is now empty and half of the upstairs.  The rest of the contents need to be packed and the some furniture are on Craigs List with the remaining furniture to be donated next week. It was a long day but with that done it now feels more like the end is finally in sight.    


My daughter has been moved from the hospital to a rehab facility and will need to stay there until she can transfer with assistance to her wheel chair.  She will have assistance at home and after the house closing I will move my little trailer to her house until she is feeling stronger.  I can work on getting every thing take organized and ready for take off.    It is wonderful to have this flexibility in my life and I am so grateful that this happened before I left the area so that I can be of help to her for a bit until she is back to normal.

Yesterday it poured rain just because it can.  After all it is Spring and it rained buckets and buckets without any help from me.  I sat in my favorite chair and watched the clouds and rain roll in and over the quiet valley and just experienced the quiet recovering from the demands of the moving day. 

At times in my life, I have fussed when things haven't gone the way I wanted.  I have worried.  I cried.  I sometimes yelled.  I paced from window to window in my house.  I wallowed in my own misery and complained loudly to anyone who would listen.   And I must admit, it changed nothing.

This morning the blue sky reappeared


and the birds
       have returned to the feeder
                       by my window seat.

 Every thing seems right with the world.

In the comments of my last post Sherry shared words of wisdom from Dalai Lama.
"If a problem has a solution, there is no need to worry.
If a problem doesn't have a solution, there is no need to worry."

What a wonderful view to approach the problems that life presents to each of us. 
I cannot control what comes tomorrow.  I can only choose my response.
I choose to find peace and happiness in each day regardless of the circumstances.

My Inspiration Garden

I am going forward with emptying my house.

I choose to follow my dreams... 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life Keeps Happening

Things can be going great and then they are not.... What is with this!!!!

Answer me a question.


I ordered the U haul truck for Saturday and then A call from the realtor revealed the new buyer suddenly finds himself jobless. His last paycheck coincides with the closing date.  This is not a good thing.... Not at all how the carnival ride is 'suppose' to go.  They are scrambling to get something together... if not the house will be back on the market Friday.  

I was certainly prepared to fully appreciate the house selling. 
I was more than thrilled!!

I have heard that the deal is not sealed until the money is in the bank.
I am certainly a believer... Now!
I am giving myself a pep talk as we speak.
I refuse to give up.... I know that the right buyer at the right time will be here.

And finally on this subject....
There is always time for panic later!

Keep positive thoughts for me I will keep you posted.

So that seems like enough bad news for one day.... Right???


The universe was not done yet.
I got a call regarding my daughter.
She fell a broke her pelvis and is in the hospital.  So I dragged my still feeling sorry for  myself up to the hospital.  There is nothing like other peoples troubles to put yours into perspective.  It looks like she will be in the hospital until a spot opens up at a rehab facility and then she will be there for a couple of weeks.
She ordinarily uses an electric wheelchair so transfers are always difficult and now, impossible.  I will probably end up sticking around until she is back at her home where the care givers can help her.... Until then she wants her Mom and truth be told I want to help her too.
You are never done with being a Mom.

These are real life kinds of difficulties.  They continue even when you change your circumstances.  My new lifestyle does allow me more flexability that when I was responsible for a full time job, foster children and a barnyard full of animals.

I remain adaptable and that is something that you need whether you live on wheels or in a stick and brick home.  I remain committed to the life changes in progress and will be moving forward.
I found this in a blog post and shall hold on to it through these challenges.

So hold us up with positive thoughts....  I'll keep you posted.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Moving Forward

The sale of the house is progressing nicely.
The inspection results are all resolved so the appraisal is the next step and will happen tomorrow at 8:30.  Finally something happening regarding the house sale that I don't have to leave the premises for. 

 I am arranging for a U-Haul truck and will be moving the items I will be keeping to storage this weekend (mostly family items and those things I can't quite part with!)


So between now and then I will be emptying the contents out of drawers, unmaking beds and getting it all ready to go.  I will also have the remaining furniture from down stairs brought up and put in the garage to ease their departure.

Since I will have help for this part, I want to get as much done of the heavy work done.  I have also learned that is is easier for me if as many of the decisions are made ahead of time when there are fewer distractions to minimize stress.  We will have to see how that goes.

I am shooting for May 1 for a closing date so I have to Move It, Move It, Move It!

Next I will need to figure out where I will be parking for a couple of weeks after the closing as I will want to be getting things settled in Lolita and getting organized with all the  last minute departure arrangements made! 

I will be planning on leaving the Spokane area around May 15 and doing some visiting of friends I haven't seen for a long while as I travel across Washington State visiting in Seattle, Tacoma and along the Washington Coast where friends live.  Then I have reservations for a Glamping Event (a kind of Women's Vintage Trailer Camping Rally in the Portland, Oregon area for May 31 through June 2.  I will be posting plenty of eye candy pictures of those vintage treasures for you to view.  I haven't met any of these gals other than on vintage trailer sites so I will be stretching myself a bit in a new social arena.  I feel like a scout out to find new areas to explore further in the future as the time and opportunity arise.

I'm getting close.... I can feel it!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yesterday, Baby Steps.....Today Giant Steps

I have decided the best way to guarantee a sale is to make plans.  With plans in place the universe sets out to trip us up.  That's how it worked for me. I started packing the trailer for launch and presto, an offer on the house.  Grounded again until sale complete.  But I can't exactly complain.  (Maybe whine a little!) So go ahead make your plans.... we shall see what the universe has in store for you.

While I have been sputtering and living with spurts of renewed preparation for Full time RV living life has been moving on.  A few days after Furby died I had a showing for the house.  I mosied down to the river drinking in the view and chatting on the phone to a camp host buddy.  After 1 1/2 hours, I drove on home only to find that they were still at the house.
Hmmmmm that is interesting.  Later on I got the call that everyone prays for.... They want to make an offer.

How can joy and terror exist in the same vessel at the same time.

Well my answer to that is... chaotically!

Ecstatic too!

Disappointed that my trip to Utah will be postponed.
Ecstatic that the financial loose ends could finally be coming to an end.
Overwhelmed by the immense task ahead of me.
A little terrified of the unknown....what next.

We quickly came to terms... how can I argue with a full price offer from a fully qualified buyer with no contingencies.
The home inspection has revealed some repair items that the buyer will take care of with a reduction of price to accommodate the needed materials.

The last hurdle is the home appraisal.  I am definitely not home free but ever so close.

Looking at my For Sale sign every day to be sporting a SOLD sign.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Steps Moving Forward

I subscribe to a number of email posts that provide encouragement, prayers and profound thoughts to get me started for the day.  It is important for me to focus on the positive things in my life and practice gratitude for all the little miracles that define each day.  This was among today's posts from  Trust Your Journey
"No matter how bad things are at any one moment, no moment lasts. good or bad, time moves on because it has to. And so do you." ~unknown
It seemed to hit the nail on the head for me today.  I am experiencing profound grief these days that often moves me to tears or paralizes me with inaction.    The loss of my little Furby has is still very fresh and consuming.  I have sat down to write posts only to find the words do not come, only tears.  
I have hesitated on writing these difficult posts.  As I have said before it its hard to say goodbye to the life we had before and all the things that made that life wonderful.  It is hard to say goodbye to the security that home represents.  It is hard to say so long to the people, places and way of life.  It is difficult to write and probably difficult to read but it represents the journey and this blog is about my journey.  To report only the fun engaging moments seems dishonest to me. I hope that future RVers who consider the steps to their own journey will be heartened to understand I too experienced tough moments and yet the process brought me stronger resolve.       
As I move forward into a new phase of my life I will find new adventures and many new ways to define the important elements of my life.  
I do want you to know the empty spot in my heart is comforted by the kind words and thoughts that you have expressed following my last post. 
Though sporadic spurts of grief sideline my efforts towards full time travel, I am still moving forward one step at a time.
My heart is full of memories and kind thoughts and words.....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another Good- bye.

I've known that it was coming for a long time.
When my Mom passed away,  the Veterinarian said that Furby, her beloved Bichon Frise had Cushings Disease and probably wouldn't last but another year.
That was four years ago.

With a lot of love and care and on a special diet (very expensive!), he continued to live a happy dogs life and live the life of a fluffy white farm dog.  I know he wasn't always the perfectly groomed white dog that came to live with me.  But he was happy and loved farm life!

His first home was an RV

         He loved traveling and exploring.

Mom, Furby and Pepper

Devil Dog

 One year I found a cute it costume for Halloween.I'm not sure he was as thrilled with the idea as we were.

He played well with others

 Furby attended the 1st International Glamper Campout

Stacy and Furby
Furby toasting the Glampers

     Loved the Beach....
The Sand.... Not so much!

Snuggled into Lolita for Christmas

A year ago when I began to see his health begin to fail I kept thinking of the next camping trip and hoping for one more adventure with the Furbs.  I remember reading the TRAVEL WITH THE BAYFIELD BUNCH post when they lost their beloved little dog, Cora.  It was unimaginable to me that they had to make the long trip home after Cora passed away.  Now I find myself nearly ready to embark on my great adventure without Furby. 

He loved his toys!!

Furby passed peacefully, hearing my voice in his own little bed.
His adventures were many.
He was loved and he will be missed!
Rest in Peace Furbs